ABOUTtsukicrd is a carrd account dedicated to helping those with questions relating to carrd.co and about carrds in general.in the near future there may be an opening for tutorials!NOTEplease note that whats in our personal accounts/crds do not affect how we run this account! cr finderqirl for layout

TO KNOWas of now, tsukicrd is an english based crd account. if we've made you a crd, please do not remove the credits. please do keep in mind we have every right to deny anyone's request.NO!you fit the basic dni criteria, are from nsfw/ed/shtwt etc. are generally weird or will send rude and disrespectful messages, are or support mspec lesbians.EXTRAplease be following us before requesting us to make you a crd, and please don't immediately unfollow us after we have made you your crd.

TSUKICRD ADMINS🧸 - sou! sin/vamp/mew prns. sou's twitter & retrospring🪼 - jia! he/it prns. jia's twitter🦷 - nikolina! fae/mew prns. nikolina's twitter & retrospring